Early Thursday morning, December 3, the extraordinary floating Fire Station 35 arrived in San Francisco at Pier 22-1/2 near the Bay Bridge.
Liftech designed the marine structures that included a 95 ft x 173 ft x 9 ft steel float to support a two-story building with berths for four fire boats, a guest boat, and two jet ski lifts; landside steel pier adjacent to The Embarcadero; steel access ramp between pier and float; and piling to moor the float and support the pier. The system is designed to remain operational after a 100-year storm and design earthquake events. Since the firefighters will be spending significant amounts of time on the float, including eating and sleeping, the float system is also designed to limit the amount of motion.
ZPMC fabricated the steel pier, steel access ramp between the pier and steel float, steel float, and piling at their Nantong, China, facility and shipped them to San Francisco. The components were delivered in January to Treasure Island for installation of the building and utilities.
We are excited to see the evolution from design to fabrication to installation and are looking forward to firefighter move-in day in the spring.
Time Lapse Videos of Installation, Courtesy of Power Engineering Construction Co.