by Michael Jordan, Yoshi Oritatsu, and Erik Soderberg
Published in Port Technology International, Fifty Seventh Edition, March 2013
Category: Cranes: Seismic Issues
Seismic Considerations for New Quay Cranes
by Michael Jordan, Yoshi Oritatsu, and Erik Soderberg
Published in Port Technology International, Fifty Fifth Edition, Summer 2012
Seismic Protection of Quay Cranes
by Michael Jordan, Yoshi Oritatsu, and Erik Soderberg
Published in Port Technology International, Fifty Fourth Edition, Summer 2012
Seismic Design of Container Cranes
by Erik Soderberg, Michael Jordan, Jonathan Hsieh, and Yoshi Oritatsu
Presented at the Port and Terminal Technology 2010 Conference in Long Beach, California
M 8.8 Chile Earthquake Port Damage Assessment
by Arun Bhimani (contributor: Alberto A. Saez Geraldo of SyS Ingenieros Consultores)
Presented by Arun Bhimani at the TOC Asia 2010 Conference in Shanghai
Seismic Guidelines for Cranes
by Erik Soderberg, Jonathan Hsieh, and Anna Dix
Presented by Erik Soderberg at the TCLEE 2009 Conference in Oakland, California
EQ Response – Cement Unloader
Video of linear elastic response of cement unloader on typical West Coast wharf subjected to ground motions transverse to wharf from Port of Los Angeles design earthquake with 475 year mean return interval. Analysis based on no damage to unloader structure.
Dockside Ship-to-Shore Cranes: Seismic Risk and Recommended Design Criteria
by Erik Soderberg and Michael Jordan
Seismic Response of Jumbo Container Cranes and Design Recommendations to Limit Damage and Prevent Collapse
by Erik Soderberg and Michael Jordan
Presented by Erik Soderberg at the Ports 2007 Conference in San Diego, California